Coming Soon

Companies Founded by Year

Thousands of companies are founded each day in the UK. Not all of them stand the test of time. Dig in below to explore still-active companies founded by year - there'll be a big swing to recently founded companies as they are less likely to have ceased trading in the shorter periods of time

2024 → Companies Founded: 519,784
7.72% of active companies
2023 → Companies Founded: 900,084
13.37% of active companies
2022 → Companies Founded: 798,674
11.86% of active companies
2021 → Companies Founded: 648,232
9.63% of active companies
2020 → Companies Founded: 475,168
7.06% of active companies
2019 → Companies Founded: 408,293
6.06% of active companies
2018 → Companies Founded: 339,550
5.04% of active companies
2017 → Companies Founded: 289,480
4.3% of active companies
2016 → Companies Founded: 256,644
3.81% of active companies
2015 → Companies Founded: 231,547
3.44% of active companies
2014 → Companies Founded: 206,498
3.07% of active companies
2013 → Companies Founded: 171,835
2.55% of active companies
2012 → Companies Founded: 147,533
2.19% of active companies
2011 → Companies Founded: 128,147
1.9% of active companies
2010 → Companies Founded: 107,306
1.59% of active companies
2009 → Companies Founded: 88,518
1.31% of active companies
2008 → Companies Founded: 79,475
1.18% of active companies
2007 → Companies Founded: 87,480
1.3% of active companies
2006 → Companies Founded: 78,150
1.16% of active companies
2005 → Companies Founded: 68,833
1.02% of active companies
2004 → Companies Founded: 64,448
0.96% of active companies
2003 → Companies Founded: 80,554
1.2% of active companies
2002 → Companies Founded: 62,178
0.92% of active companies
2001 → Companies Founded: 40,956
0.61% of active companies
2000 → Companies Founded: 39,529
0.59% of active companies
1999 → Companies Founded: 34,880
0.52% of active companies
1998 → Companies Founded: 30,358
0.45% of active companies
1997 → Companies Founded: 27,905
0.41% of active companies
1996 → Companies Founded: 23,240
0.35% of active companies
1995 → Companies Founded: 19,281
0.29% of active companies
1994 → Companies Founded: 16,948
0.25% of active companies
1993 → Companies Founded: 15,254
0.23% of active companies
1992 → Companies Founded: 13,461
0.2% of active companies
1991 → Companies Founded: 13,136
0.2% of active companies
1990 → Companies Founded: 12,938
0.19% of active companies
1989 → Companies Founded: 13,427
0.2% of active companies
1988 → Companies Founded: 13,635
0.2% of active companies
1987 → Companies Founded: 13,140
0.2% of active companies
1986 → Companies Founded: 11,965
0.18% of active companies
1985 → Companies Founded: 10,038
0.15% of active companies
1984 → Companies Founded: 9,306
0.14% of active companies
1983 → Companies Founded: 8,764
0.13% of active companies
1982 → Companies Founded: 8,580
0.13% of active companies
1981 → Companies Founded: 11,280
0.17% of active companies
1980 → Companies Founded: 5,799
0.09% of active companies
1979 → Companies Founded: 5,374
0.08% of active companies
1978 → Companies Founded: 5,626
0.08% of active companies
1977 → Companies Founded: 4,871
0.07% of active companies
1976 → Companies Founded: 4,668
0.07% of active companies
1975 → Companies Founded: 3,872
0.06% of active companies

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