Coming Soon

Companies House Data in Hubspot

Do more prospecting and save time with our
free Companies House app for Hubspot

No more manual lookups or cross-referencing

View Companies House profiles in Hubspot, automatically

A better way to send money.

Reduce Qualification Time

Automatically see the Companies House profile for each of your UK leads. Install our free app and you'll start seeing profiles immediately.

Reduce Manual Effort

Bymetric holds one of the largest available linked databases of websites and company data. We'll match your leads to Companies House Data automatically; no more manual data entry/lookups.

Always Updated

Our CRM Panel app shows you updated insight, so you won't fall out of sync.

Get Started Free

Our Companies House CRM App for Hubspot is free.
If you like it, you might like some of the things we've got coming even more...

You'll create a free account here on Bymetric, then get re-directed to Hubspot to install the free app. Continuing means you agree with our terms of service.

Want even more prospecting power?

We're working on an integrated Hubspot experience to level up your prospecting

There are plenty of prospecting tools out there, but they all insist you work in isolation. Your sales team spend so much of their time in Hubspot

Coming soon...

Sync Company Data into Hubspot
Segment and prioritise your leads by automatically synced data
Browse our index and push direct to Hubspot
You'll be able to filter and slice our database, find companies that suit you and push them straight into Hubspot
Companies House Intelligence
We'll show you advanced Companies House data; director changes in your timeline, funding events, significant accounting events and employee growth
Beyond Companies House
We'll also add bespoke data points to your Hubspot leads, not just Companies House data
Import Recommended Leads
Our system will identify potential leads for you, based on the profile of companies within your Hubspot account

Sound interesting? Register via the free app and we'll let you know more when we're ready

Get notified when we’re launching.

Want fast, powerful sales prospecting for UK companies? Signup below to find out when we're live.