Coming Soon

Companies at HU13 0EE

If you're looking for companies at this specific postcode, we've listed them below.

Elite Marketing Limited

Founded 27 September 1915

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

A.M.I. Cold Stores Limited

Founded 31 October 1929

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Clenham Limited

Founded 22 September 1976

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Fas Ipswich Limited

Founded 31 March 1977

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

British Mackerel Exports Limited

Founded 14 September 1979

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Caley International Limited

Founded 11 July 1983

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

F A S 2000 Limited

Founded 05 September 1984

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Andrew Marr International Limited

Founded 18 April 1986

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Almarr Seafoods Limited

Founded 11 February 1992

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Atlantic Seafoods International Limited

Founded 06 September 1993

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Fair Isle Fishing Limited

Founded 19 October 2012

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Falcon Fishing Limited

Founded 19 October 2012

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Coolships 2 Limited

Founded 19 October 2012

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Castlewood Fishing Limited

Founded 27 November 2013

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Attain Fishing Limited

Founded 27 November 2013

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Coolships 3 Limited

Founded 24 November 2016

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

A.M.I. Renewables Ltd

Founded 07 March 2019

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Carousel Fishing Company (Grimsby) Limited

Founded 14 August 2019

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Coolships 4 Limited

Founded 12 November 2020

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Courageous Fishing LLP

Founded 29 November 2012

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

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