Coming Soon

Public Funding for British Precast Concrete Federation Limited(The)

Registration Number 01209092

Enterprise Simulation for Precast Concrete Operations (ESPCO)

2006-03-01 to 2008-05-31
Collaborative R&D
Awaiting Public Summary

Reducing Waste Through Integrated Product Design and Manufacture

2005-11-01 to 2008-07-31
Collaborative R&D
The aim of this project is to reduce waste and resource use across the whole life cycle of any given product. The project objectives relate to researching the viability of modifying product design, manufacture, packaging/distribution, application, maintenance and end of life management to maximise resource efficiency. This integrated approach to considering the whole life cycle of construction products will be enhanced by conducting pan-industrial waste exchange analysis, characterisation, testing and evaluation providing opportunities for knowledge transfer. The project will model scenarios for improving resource use throughout the whole life cycle by re-engineering processes. The project is innovative as it is generating new knowledge and combining research at three levels i.e. product life cycle, pan-industrial waste mapping and integrated product design modelling and simulation.

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