Coming Soon

Public Funding for Medeci Developments Limited

Registration Number 01366493

Mind-Heart-Tech and online remote therapy for PTSD and anxiety

2020-06-01 to 2021-01-31
Feasibility Studies
Many dedicated staff and volunteers within the NHS ecosystem will experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as consequences of the covid-19 pandemic. Existing PTSD interventions which involve many sessions are not fit-for-purpose in light of the emergency and scale of the need. By combining a very innovative and effective psychotherapeutic method with biofeedback sensors, highly sensitive to user emotions, we will create a solution that can often cure PTSD within a single session. Within six months we will develop an accurate inexpensive bluetooth sensor, which users can use at home (on their finger or wrist). It will measure their stress/anxiety level and minute changes of their heart rhythm, analyse both in real time, and present feedback to the user through a friendly, appealing interface. Furthermore, it will enable therapists (working remotely from home) to view the user/client's emotional reactions in real-time and provide effective intervention. Mind-Heart-Tech can help users to improve their resilience and prevent relapse. Our initial focus will be to provide Mind-Heart-Tech and therapy to the dedicated NHS employees who have risked their lives to treat coronavirus patients. Later on it will be available to the wider UK population and subsequently internationally. Our sensors are very sensitive, monitor and calculate heart-rate changes better than i-watch, fitbit and similar sensors, and even tiny changes in stress levels from thoughts, imaginations and emotions. It will enable therapists to view their clients' emotion/anxiety level in real-time and treat them remotely, with options to add images and video that the user can watch. Both the therapist and the user can see and measure, immediately, how effectively the therapy is reducing the anxiety level of the user during the session and later on. As Mind-Heart-Tech provides objective measurements of the anxiety levels during the therapy, and gives feedback to both the therapist and the user during, between and after the therapy, it can improve any existing therapy method. It will also enable researchers and NHS to compare, immediately, how effective each method is, how fast the user recovers with each method, and which method has lowest relapse rates. The Mind-Heart-Tech together with new online therapies we will reduce the length of recovery of patients from several months to days.

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