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Public Funding for Ipl Information Processing Limited

Registration Number 01418818

Local Energy Markets Modelling & Analysis (LEMMA): market and information systems structures to enable Local Energy Markets in the UK

2012-08-01 to 2013-05-31
Feasibility Studies
The LEMMA project develops a local electricity market such that domestic and commercial consumers and local generators of electricity may buy and sell energy between themselves and other energy supply businesses. The project delivers benefits through reducing the cost of electricity to consumers, reducing the costs of network operation, and encouraging the deployment of local renewable generation: reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing electricity transmission and distribution losses.

IPL Discover - A map-based intelligence product that provides geospatial analysis of public data from social networking, news sites and transport feeds.

2011-07-01 to 2011-12-31
Small Business Research Initiative
The public description for this project has been requested but has not yet been received.

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