Coming Soon

Public Funding for Vaisala Limited

Registration Number 01487125

Engaged Smart Transport (EST)

2015-11-01 to 2018-04-30
Collaborative R&D
Engaged Smart Transport (EST) will create and demonstrate a transferable end-to-end congestion management service which: combines a range of interventions (from real-time Intelligent Transport Systems to long-term behavioural change strategies); acts preventively in anticipation of congestion; uses existing infrastructure; and is responsive to local environmental and behavioural specifics. The project will develop a service and supporting toolkit that draws on a unique combination of big data analytics, multiple data sources from a sensor-rich environment, and ongoing collaboration between citizens, local authorities, leading researchers and technology providers. EST’s service-based approach to congestion management represents a fundamental departure from traditional ways of thinking about mobility management in a city and the disjointed approach to the data capture, analysis, strategy and intervention that is currently prevalent.

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