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Public Funding for Codel International Limited

Registration Number 01606652

Marine Energy Efficiency, Transformation and Reporting (MEETR)

2015-04-01 to 2017-09-30
Collaborative R&D
Imagine when you got into your car that you did not have an accurate measure of on-board fuel, and when you got going you had little idea of your fuel consumption or of how your driving style, road conditions and the necessity to be at a certain place at a certain time changed this, and you weren't sure if you complied with emissions legislation. Translate this to ships where engines can be one thousand times more powerful. This project aims to get accurate metering, position, speed and other operational information that provides decisions on prompt arrival, minimum use of fuel, taking account of weather and other operational constraints, onto most vessels by being low-cost, robust, easily retro-fittable and easy to understand, so that operators, owners and clients can make informed decisions about the economic and environmental impact of individual ships. In addition these data can be used by ports and national authorities to speed inspection procedures and inform the public about the impact of shipping in their locale.

Marine Exhaust Gase Treatment System (MAGS)

2015-02-01 to 2017-01-31
Collaborative R&D
The main objective of the MAGS project is to create a novel integrated on-board Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor (NTPR) after-treatment unit for ships that combines different sub-units, each of which will be optimized to remove specific primary pollutants (NOx, PM, VOC and CO) from low sulphur diesel fuel. The NTPR will be a retrofit specifically designed for on-board application to allow an easy and fast installation on existing and new ships. This integrated system will reduce the environmental footprint of mid-size coastal and inland waterway marine vessels through the achievement of state-of-the-art removal of the target pollutants in order to reduce their emission factors well below the limits imposed by the existing IMO defined limits on NOx and VOC emissions and revised MARPOL Annex VI regulations and for future regulations. MAGS is expected to Achieve emissions factors comparable with on-road diesel engines for motor transport. The consortium will deliver a manufacturing supply-chain for key components of the NTPR system and will target the US "brown water" fleet and small northern European vessels that operate in coastal and inland waterways using diesel fuel.

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