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Public Funding for Encocam Limited

Registration Number 01944904

Encocam Honeycomb Press Optimisation

2023-09-01 to 2024-02-29
Collaborative R&D
Encocam is a world leader in the production of Aluminium crash test barriers. We have prided ourselves in innovation and have been working hard to improve our current process to improve our environmental impact. During our process we take a variety of Aluminium foils, chemically clean them and print adhesive on its surface. This foil is then cut and stacked according to our customers need before being pressed to cure the adhesive within. This A4I project will help us gain a deeper understanding of energy use process of curing our material. Collaborating with ASTUTE who will provide the computational modelling of our process which will allow us to develop unique and more efficient temperature/pressure pressing profiles. This will retain structural properties of the block and increase the energy efficiency. We are dedicated to improvement and the expertise provided in our collaboration will go a long way to helping us increase our throughput and extend our market lead by giving us a bespoke pressing program to run with.


2023-06-15 to 2025-12-15
Knowledge Transfer Partnership
To develop a commercially manufactured anthropomorphic neck model and predictive impact modelling software to upgrade industry standards in product design and safety testing.

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