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Public Funding for Blum UK

Registration Number 02141589

The Silent Office - A sustainable way forward (SOFFICE 2)

2006-12-01 to 2009-03-31
Collaborative R&D
Awaiting Public Summary


2005-01-01 to 2005-09-30
Collaborative R&D
This is a feasibility study to assess the potential for transfering advanced composite technology into the cabinet (desks, cupboards, drawers and filing cabinets) furniture manufacturing process with the specific aim of reducing office place noise thereby lowering employee stress levels and improving working conditions. This would provide societal benefits for the workers employed within office environments and economic benefit as productivity per employee rises as a result of a healthier workplace. The modern office trend is toward open plan (call centres etc) which leads to greater ambient noise levels as electronic equipment becomes ever more prevalent. Mobile telephones, printers, voice recognition software and photocopiers all combine to produce noise levels equivalent to around 75dBA, well above the World Health Organisation's recommended limit of 55 decibels. This work will characterise the materials that could be suitable for integrating into furniture structures, propose novel methods of manufacture, design and build basic prototypes and performance test them for structural and acoustical validity.

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