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Public Funding for Glassworks Services Limited

Registration Number 02152409

Optimising biomass ash to reduce the environmental impact of glass manufacture (EnviroGlass 2)

2018-09-01 to 2020-11-30
Collaborative R&D
"This project, led by GTS and supported by British Glass (representing the 8 main UK flat and container glass manufacturers) and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), creates a new consortium with Ashwell Biomass, Templeborough Biomass Power Plant, Power Minerals and Glassworks Services. The project brings together three industrial sectors (Glass, Ceramics, Biomass Energy) for the first time to develop new raw materials for the manufacture of more economical, more efficient, lower-emission glasses and ceramics. This project builds upon the outputs from IUK Energy Catalyst Feasibility Study (IUK: 132334) 'EnviroGlass Melting', which assessed a range of wastes as potential new raw materials in glass manufacture to reduce melting temperatures, CO2 emissions and costs. The project proposed here builds upon these findings to address the challenges identified, developing new raw materials and demonstrating suitability for glass (TRL=7) and ceramics (TRL=3-4) industries to improve productivity and reduce: (i) Energy requirements (up to 10%) (ii) Raw materials costs (up to 10%) (iii) UK-landfill (up to 75kT/yr)"

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