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Public Funding for Biodot Limited

Registration Number 02452044

Connected point-of-care diagnostic platform for fast, responsive healthcare provision

2018-09-01 to 2021-05-31
Collaborative R&D
Point-Of-Care Testing (POCT) allows the rapid diagnosis of disease and delivers the test results whilst the patient is present. This is in contrast to centralised testing where a patient has a sample taken (e.g. blood) which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. POCT is becoming increasingly used due to the benefits of delivering diagnostic results at lower cost and with greater speed, allowing more responsive and effective healthcare decisions to be made by the healthcare provider and improving communication and engagement with the patient. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients living in remote rural areas for whom the transport of samples to a central laboratory is difficult. Those living in urban areas can also benefit as the burden on centralised clinics and laboratories can be reduced (especially for routine tests). In this project we aim to deliver improved POCT devices based on innovative bio-deposition techniques developed at BioDot Ltd, combined with advanced microfluidic cartridge technology developed by Nanjing Kensington Diagnostic Technology in Jiangsu province, China. BioDot Ltd will develop key manufacturing processes and assist Kensington Diagnostic setup a dedicated manufacturing facility in the UK. This will provide core components for Kensington's POCT system which will be marketed in China in the first instance. Hence the project will provide substantial benefit to the UK economy through employment, manufacturing and export opportunities to the largest market for POCT and will also generate significant revenue opportunities for BioDot Ltd through the sale of custom manufacturing equipment.


2012-11-01 to 2015-10-31
The Project Aims To Design And Develop An Automated Integrated "Plug And Play" For Management And Full Analysis Of DBS Type Blood Samples For The Early Life Which Currently Does Not Exist. Emergency Analysis Will Also Be Possible. It Will Be Flexible, It Could Handle Multiple Sessions.

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