Coming Soon

Public Funding for Meantime Information Technologies Ltd

Registration Number 02589414

MaMR: Cloud-based Mortality & Morbidity Review SaaS for use across all NHS providers

2018-11-01 to 2020-01-31
Collaborative R&D
"Meantime's AMaT is already licensed to two NHS Foundation Acute Trusts (~8000 users), has been identified as a product of interest by NHS Improvement and the Innovation Agency (NorthWest) and has a growing sales pipeline because, in the words of Steve O'Brien, Associate Director Quality, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Trust _""_AMaT is intuitive and perfectly aligned with our processes. Our clinical colleagues are queuing up to use it."" Building from this work, and drawing on Meantime's user- and team-centred software design principles, the consortium will develop MaMR, a novel SaaS for patient data analysis and action tracking enabling dozens of users, teams, specialities, departments and Trusts to learn from whole patient pathway data, many weeks quicker than existing solutions. The teams' primary challenge is the realisation of solutions that overcome significant technical uncertainties around * Analyzing, defining and systematizing diverse and complex multi-interdisciplinary NHS team workflows while closely following the Royal College of Physicians Structured Judgement Review Method (RCP SJR) * Maintaining a simple interface. Losing user take-up at any stage is unacceptable, and would defeat the objective. * Managing patient data sharing permissions across NHS teams, specialities and Trusts * Integrations with other reporting and information systems (MEDICU, Datex, QuadraMed) * Real-time patient data input and review sharing across many thousands of users There is nothing on the market combining morbidity and mortality data storage, analysis, and management solutions capable of powering an entire pipeline of analysis. The MaMR prototype will provide transparency within NHS Provider organisations in the form of dashboards and reports, addressing need and allowing organisations and their wider health economy to access timely reviews and embark on the improvement projects that are necessary to bring about change and better patient outcomes."

Dual Download

2011-01-01 to 2011-06-30
Fast Track
Awaiting Public Summary

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