Coming Soon

Public Funding for Fortna UK Limited

Registration Number 02619692

AMAFS (Additive Manufacture for Automotive Fuel Cell Systems)

2014-11-01 to 2016-05-31
Collaborative R&D
The Additive Manufacture for Automotive Fuel-cell Systems (AMAFS) project will demonstrate the advances possible using the design freedoms of Additive Manufacturing to make compact, lightweight and cost effective Automotive Fuel Cell systems. A novel multi-phase heat exchanger will be developed, integrated and demonstrated to yield an automotive fuel-cell system smaller, cheaper and lighter than before.

High efficiency END-to-end (HiEND) Project

2013-08-01 to 2016-07-31
Collaborative R&D
The High Efficiency END-to-End (HiEND) project addresses the ability of AM to operate as an effective manufacturing route for mid to mass market by proving a viable business/manufacturing model for producing 50,000 units p.a. for our target product within 3-5 year. Once completed we expect to be able to redefine the boundaries of AM capability and the component features that will make it a attractive process. Successful proof is not only that the number of units can be produced but includes achieving production at a competitive cost, quality and with an acceptable performance envelope.

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