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Public Funding for Acheson & Acheson Limited

Registration Number 02764368

Valorisation of waste/byproduct plant biomass to produce circular biodegradable materials including single use packaging

2023-06-01 to 2023-11-30
Feasibility Studies
In 2021, 390 million tonnes of plastic were produced worldwide, of this 44% is used for packaging. Plastic packaging pollutes throughout its lifecycle, by breaking down and releasing microplastics into the environment. Under half of disposed plastic is recycled in the UK, with large amounts ending up in landfill. For single-use plastics with readily available alternatives (e.g., disposable polystyrene cups/lids, cutlery, plates, straws), plastics bans have already been introduced in the UK and the EU. Despite strong public support for more stringent bans on single-use plastic packaging, the lack of high performing and scalable replacements which biodegrade safely within the environment hinders the introduction of wider bans. Inspired by nature, Xampla has developed a next-generation bio-based and biodegradable material produced from a range of plant proteins (food grade and from otherwise waste byproducts). By harnessing the natural ability of plant proteins to self-assemble, we have created a new class of structured protein materials with remarkable functional properties. Our plant protein resin acts as a drop-in replacement for synthetic polymers in current single-use packaging manufacturing processes. Our protein resin can be used to produce a range of materials with highly controlled properties, including films and coatings for packaging applications. To date, we have targeted high value low volume film applications, such as edible and soluble packaging. However, for us to reach volume, scale and access lower value, higher volume applications we need to further develop our resin production process from lower cost and more sustainable waste byproduct proteins. With Innovate UK support, we will develop an efficient protein extraction process to valorise otherwise waste/byproduct plant biomass supplied by THG Labs - a leading product development and manufacturing partner for global beauty brands. The materials made by this new process will be assessed by Elemis - a global British beauty and skincare brand - as a replacement for synthetic polymers in packaging of their cosmetic products. Utilising plant proteins sources from waste/byproduct biomass will reduce price point of our material and bring additional sustainability benefits. The project outputs will support the UK's ambition to become a world leader in sustainable packaging, addressing global plastic pollution and the climate crises.

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