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Public Funding for Puffin Produce Limited

Registration Number 02982444

POSTCOVA - Post Covid-19 Agricultural Bioscience Innovation (Wales) - Novel biotechnology increasing sustainable vegetable production in Wales providing diversification opportunities for farming and employment challenged by COVID-19 and Brexit pressures

2020-10-01 to 2021-09-30
Collaborative R&D
**POSTCOVA** is a 9-month research programme developing emerging solutions to secure post-COVID recovery and development of the agricultural sector in Wales. This will significantly improve productivity while reducing the environmental impacts of vegetable production. **POSTCOVA** directly addresses the COVID-related disruption of the wider UK vegetable supply chain by providing technologies to immediately improve current vegetable farming productivity in Wales; currently lower than the potential like much of the UK. This will improve the country's food security and provide the potential for rural job security and further employment for those losing jobs in other sectors. **POSTCOVA** will obtain field trial data validating novel disruptive technologies geared to boost farming production efficiency and improving soil carbon reserves while reducing greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide), runoff of nutrients into watercourses and over/inefficient use of pesticides and fertilisers. **POSTCOVA** aims to improve the productivity of key cultivated vegetables in Wales (potatoes, leeks, cabbages, cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts and carrots). To deliver the above a Welsh-centred consortium has been formed and is led by Emerald Research (a soil science, precision agriculture and biostimulant developer & innovator) with biopesticide advice and management provided by Lisk and Jones (entomological specialists and biocontrol experts). The consortium will benefit from technical, operational and trials support from Puffin Produce currently the largest supplier of Welsh produce in Wales, supplying a wide variety of potatoes and other seasonal vegetables to multiple major retailers and wholesalers under the banner "Blas y Tir" (Taste of the Land) with further project, academic and research support from the Biocomposites Centre at Bangor University.

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