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Public Funding for Xcam Limited

Registration Number 03114535

Cold Atom Space Payload (CASPA)

2017-03-01 to 2019-03-31
Collaborative R&D
New developments in quantum technology have resulted in the ability to cool atoms close to absolute zero using lasers. At these temperatures, laboratory experiments have shown that these “cold atoms” can be used as ultra-sensitive sensors for measuring gravity. CASPA will translate leading UK science into commercial products for space and other markets. It will take the technology out of the laboratory and build it into a small satellite payload that is capable of producing “cold atoms” in space. Demonstrating this new technology in space is a vital first step towards realising real instruments that are capable of mapping tiny changes in the strength of gravity across the surface of the earth. The extreme sensitivity brought by “cold atom” sensors will provide the ability to finely monitor the movement of mass within Earth systems. This has multiple applications including more accurate monitoring of changes in polar ice mass, ocean currents and sea level. Higher resolution data will lead to the ability to monitor smaller water sources and discover new underground natural resources which are currently not detectable. Similar technology will also be used for deep space navigation and for providing higher precision timing sources in space.

In-Situ Monitoring of Tritium and Carbon 14 in Groundwater

2014-09-01 to 2015-11-30
Feasibility Studies
Monitoring Tritium in contaminated groundwater at nuclear sites using conventional techniques is slow, costly and has associated health and safety issues. In this project we plan to develop a novel Tritium detection technique which will provide fast sampling, at lower costs and using methods which reduce worker exposure to contaminated groundwater samples. Our technique hopes to provide test results in 1 day, compared to the current 2- 4 weeks by the conventional method, and may ultimately permit high-frequency, long-duration remote sampling of Tritium down bore-holes. If the technique is successful then it could be extended to provide a Carbon 14 detector for us at problem sites and at geological disposal facilities.

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