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Public Funding for Colour Tone Masterbatch Limited

Registration Number 03176153

COVID-19 Support for NIR Plas project 104686

2020-06-01 to 2021-02-28
Feasibility Studies
no public description

Recycling up to 376,000 tonnes of waste per annum that would otherwise have gone to landfill/incineration through a new sustainable multi-life NIR sortable polymer pigment and recycling system

2019-03-01 to 2021-05-31
Collaborative R&D
The vast majority of sorting recycling facilities that handle plastics use Near Infrared (NIR: 750 -- 1700 nm wavelength) spectroscopy for automated detection of polymer type for effective sorting; this technique has been chosen and developed over the past twenty years as being the only cost effective and robust technique for sorting mixed post consumer wastes (compared to Mid / far IR, Raman, UV, XRay fluorescence etc). NIR spectroscopy is likely to remain the de facto standard identification technique for sorting, due to its ability to identify dirty and wet polymers, the equipment simplicity, speed and robustness, no need for sample preparation, and its low cost. However, the NIR technique fails when trying to identify black materials and other colours that contain carbon black. This is because the carbon black pigment absorbs the incident infrared beam and prevents the reflection of the polymer's characteristic spectrum used to identify and sort polymer types. This volume, in excess of 4 million tonnes (EU), has a potential annual value of over £4.4 billion (if recycled) and represents a significant waste of finite resources and lost value to the economy. This project will build on our work and experience to date in order to create a closed processing loop of NIR sortable black and coloured polymer which will enable NIR sorting operations to segregate black and coloured plastic for recycling where they have been unable to before, crucially - using existing infrastructure. It will also help to address one of the UK's Grand Challenges as set out in the new UK Industrial Strategy -- namely Clean Growth: "The move to cleaner economic growth -- through low carbon technologies and the efficient use of resources"

New recycling solution for identifying various polymers in black packaging

2015-08-01 to 2016-01-31
We need to establish ‘proof of concept’, techno-economic feasibility & develop these novel ‘invisible’ dyes where an individual dye with unique spectra is used to represent a specific polymer. That dye is then used in a masterbatch to ‘mark’ every component made in that polymer type. This work will be risky & we will require financial support for this research & development. We need an expert to assist us in carrying out a techno-economic feasibility study and to prepare a grant application.

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