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Public Funding for C Pack Packaging Machinery Limited

Registration Number 04491052

Computer Controlled Servo Food Wrapper

2014-02-01 to 2015-10-31
GRD Development of Prototype
CPack Packaging Machinery Ltd, based in Burnley and founded in 1988 has well over 30 years senior management experience in the packaging machine industry and the specialist design and manufacture of packaging machine systems. As a truly international business, its packaging machinery is used by major clients in numerous locations, including the US, Canada, Japan and various states in Africa. In sectors such as pharmaceutical and seasonal food retail, delays or downtime are unacceptable and CPack has established a reputation for reliable, robust products combined with responsive service and sales support. Whilst the company is successful, the management are aware that the current machine range is becoming dated and at the end of its development life. With the trend towards increased flexibility and through-put machines, realising productivity gains for the clients, it is essential that CPack addresses its loss of competitiveness quickly if it is to ensure its longer term viability and increase market share. This project will aim to design a generic, ‘next generation’ pre-production machine for extensive trials and testing. The machine will be using a computer based technology program to replicate movements that have previously been obtained through mechanical means & equipment. The project will be the first of its kind using new technology that is both sophisticated enough to allow this project to take place and which has only been available at an acceptable cost during the past couple of years. The key project objective is to develop a new wrapping machine designed to meet the changing and more demanding needs of the market, that will have a life span of at least 20 years and that can be manufactured at a cost that enables CPack to compete aggressively in the international marketplace. Market research has clearly identified that the creation of such a machine will attract considerable UK and overseas interest.

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