Coming Soon

Public Funding for Innovate Educate Limited

Registration Number 04524936

The Artery More Business, Creativity and Culture

2023-10-01 to 2024-03-31
Collaborative R&D
Innovate Educate Ltd (IE Ltd) is developing a new way of working. The Artery supports the business, creative and cultural sectors to think differently, work to their strengths, to share, collaborate and sell to each other on an equal footing. The Artery brings: * More creativity and enterprise to businesses * Improved business skills to creatives * Opens up markets, expertise and assets for cultural organisations. It acknowledges the business and creative potential held within our cultural institutions. We have successfully established business peer support models for creatives. Our aim now is to embed creativity as a business discipline. This programme will see the business, creative and cultural sectors working together in a co-ordinated and mutually beneficial way. It will bring measurable benefits to all three sectors through a model that businesses can invest in. Rurally located, (models in North Yorkshire and Cornwall) the programme offers: * Curated networking opportunities * A peer support programme including creative investment in businesses and business investment in creatives * Creative commissions to benefit local communities * Investment in new technologies as a delivery method (Screen story telling, AR and Animation). This scalable model identifies creativity as a business discipline.

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