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Public Funding for Mobile Content Management Solutions Limited

Registration Number 05196800

MCM Solutions (CyberHawk) - a novelsolution for the surveillance of WiFinetworks and devices that can identify adevice (by MAC address) and show its exactlocation to dramatically reduce Cybercrime

2015-11-01 to 2016-10-31
GRD Development of Prototype
The UK government, businesses and public lose a total of £27 billion per annum to cybercrime with the largest share of this cost borne by businesses. Most of the attacks on business emanate from inside threats, which have become increasingly difficult to trace or prevent, especially due to the proliferation of ‘smart’ Wifi enabled devices. To combat this threat, technology has been developed for the surveillance of Wi-Fi enabled devices. However the currently available state-of-the-art is highly limited both in its hardware and software applications. The majority of available devices are for fixed use and cannot be adapted for mobile use, such as would be necessary for tracking. They thus cannot be used in mobile surveillance operations. Furthermore, the derived data is not stored centrally and so cannot be shared and leveraged for ongoing or future analysis. Finally, there are no facilities to identify and track specific devices across locations thereby limiting application in intelligence or law enforcement application. There is thus a ready and growing market in the UK and globally for innovative surveillance and security equipment for use by the defence, law enforcement, civilian and military applications. MCM Solutions is developing an innovative solution for the effective surveillance of Wi-Fi enabled devices that will provide users with the ability to harness software, hardware and data to identify, locate and track Wifi enabled devices. Our solution will for the first time, enable both fixed and mobile surveillance with live data sharing capabilities enabling the identification of a device and geolocation technology to trace a devices movements. The commercialisation of this system will deliver economic and social benefits as it helps to reduce cybercrime and also equips law enforcement agencies with a highly efficient tool to assist in various investigations.

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