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Public Funding for Digital Laundry Limited

Registration Number 06376468


2014-01-01 to 2014-09-30
Small Business Research Initiative
Aspirational Aging: From Thriving to Surviving We all come into the world with needs. In order to Flourish, we must fulfil not only the most basic, practical needs, but also those that impact our mental wellbeing, that give our lives purpose and meaning: engaging in activities we enjoy, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and building and sustaining relationships (Seligman 2012). Retaining a positive outlook, keeping active (physically, socially and mentally), and maintaining capability and independence are key contributing factors to mental wellbeing in older people (Humphrey et al., 2011). And Robert Butler, the first Director of the National Institute of Aging, identified that those who expressed having clear goals or purpose tend to live longer and live better than those who do not. However, when we require support, the current care system assesses need and delivers care from a narrow, physical perspective, rather than evaluating, planning and providing support that also meets emotional requirements. This one-dimensional approach to care is creating devastating results for our older people. Poorly cared for, lonely and socially excluded, they have a higher risk of dementia (Wilson et al., 2007), a 45% risk of higher mortality and a 59% increase in the risk of functional decline, such as walking and climbing stairs (Perissinotto et al., 2012), which could ultimately increase the possibility of care home admission. It is also estimated that the cost to the UK health service of poor mental health in old age will exceed £34.7 billion by 2026. There is therefore an urgent requirement to address these flaws within the care system to avoid further economic strain on our health services. This is unlikely to happen until we come to the realisation that need is more than just physical, it's the entirety of what is required to make life worth living. Over the next 9 months, our team would like to explore the feasibility of redefining the concept of need. A significant reframing, from a physical perspective to the only one that really matters…yours. From 'needs assessment' to 'understanding purpose', from 'practitioner-led, one-size-fits-all planning', to 'self-managed, personalised paths to aspiration', from 'delivering care' to 'accessing relevant and meaningful choices'. We will do this drawing on recent advances in positive psychology, working with thriving older people to develop designs, and investigating the potential impact of innovative technology for identifying and managing aspiration. If we can enable older people to thrive and flourish, the benefits could be overwhelming: not only improved health and wellbeing, but also better allocation of scarce resources, more autonomy and empowerment for older people and their families, and the redesign of delivery to align with the new definitions of need.

Sandpit 5

2013-08-01 to 2013-09-30
Small Business Research Initiative
Awaiting Public Project Summary

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