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Public Funding for Manus Neurodynamica Ltd

Registration Number 06672976

A digital non-invasive test for Alzheimer's and the dementias to prioritise early appointments with the specialist and streamline the pathway

2021-04-01 to 2023-12-31
CR&D Bilateral

A digital non-invasive test for Alzheimer's and the dementias to prioritise early appointments with the specialist and streamline the pathway

2021-04-01 to 2023-12-31
CR&D Bilateral

Developing a novel non-invasive aid for early diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease

2014-02-01 to 2017-03-31
Collaborative R&D
The project will develop and make market-ready an innovative user-friendly, low cost tool, the Manus system, to aid in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD), based around a sensor-pen that uses drawing and handwriting motion analyses to provide objective information to clinicians. The device may be used by non-specialists with minimal training to enable decentralized healthcare and screening to improve the capacity of effective and early diagnosis and intervention by neurology clinics. Improvements will be made to the existing prototype hardware and mathematical algorithms with diagnostic capability by Manus. This will take place in conjunction with Prof. Walker and colleagues at North Tyneside General Hospital, who will perform a clinical assessment of the utility of the platform and comparison with standards (DaTSCAN and diagnosing by neurologist). Prior to commencing the trial, ethical approval and MHRA approval for use in trial will be obtained.

Market assessment for an innovative handheld device with applications in development of medication for neuromotor impairments

2013-08-01 to 2013-10-31
GRD Proof of Market
Manus Neurodynamica Ltd has developed an innovative sensor technology, integrated with a digital pen, from which a number of products could be developed. The first product group (Clinical applications) are in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromotor disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and stroke by clinicians within various levels of healthcare. The second product group (Research applications) are early market segments for use of the technology outside of the clinic. This includes use in (a) drug development and (b) academic research into neurophysiology. Market entry for this product Group 2 may be possible, potentially before market entry of Group 1 products. Whilst from a technical perspective the technology that has been developed with four world class academic groups appears to function well and is producing promising clinical results, there are barriers to market entry and uncertainties regarding the required business strategies. The nature of the market will be explored to help finalise the business strategy.

Proof of Market for a novel sensor system with applications in management of neuromotor impairments

2013-02-01 to 2013-04-30
GRD Proof of Market
Manus Neurodynamica Ltd (Manus) has developed a novel sensor technology from which a number of products with different applications could be developed within the healthcare sector for management of neuromotor impairments, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and stroke. R&D so far has been focussed on technical development and clinical testing. Whilst from a technical perspective the technology appears to function well and is producing promising results, there are barriers to market entry and uncertainties regarding the various markets and business strategies. Preliminary market investigations by Manus clearly show the market potential and many opportunities for growth. However, the principal issue is that it is not clear what changes clinicians would make in patient management with Manus’ technology. Clinical studies that might be designed to prove any hypothetical benefits to early diagnosis, thus resulting in adoption by clinicians, would take years to perform. It can be concluded that a strategy based on marketing the technology immediately upon completion of trials for any application is unlikely to be cost-effective. Manus needs to evaluate whether there are specific niches in patient management in various clinical settings, where the technology would be seen as beneficial. Resources can then be focused on R&D for the specific niche applications while the case for wider adoption of the technology can be built. In addition, Manus needs to fine tune their marketing pitch for the main applications. The POM project enables to answer the outstanding questions regarding the marketing strategy. The resulting strategy and product development will come together in the final business plan, which will become the basis for further rounds of funding in 2013 and 2014 that will be used to launch the technology into the marketplace.

Designing Scalable Assistive Technologies and Services for Independent Healthy Living and Sustainable Market Development in the Mixed Digital Economy

2011-07-01 to 2014-07-31
Collaborative R&D
The main objectives of this integrated project are to: (1) develop methods for designing scalable assistive technologies and services and new business models to promote sustainable market development for independent healthy living in a mixed digital economy; and (2) understand the factors that promote or inhibit the uptake, use and integration of assistive technologies for older people living in the community from a user-centred perspective. SALT brings together a multi-disciplinary team of senior academics with practitioners from business, design, health and social care services, government agencies, third sector organisations and user groups to develop innovative, workable solutions. The project also leverages the extensive resources, and expertise of the Design, Business and Connected Communities activities of SiDE, the RCUK Digital Economy Hub at Newcastle on Social Inclusion through the Digital Economy, and extensive business engagement programmes within Newcastle University. The close involvement of businesses, health and social care organisations and users will help identify a clear route to market. It makes a significant contribution to capacity building in the North East, by developing and testing innovative solutions within existing health and social care structures through co-production; exploring new business models for sustainable new market development through case studies; and informing and validating new workable solutions from a user-centred perspective.

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