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Public Funding for Thames Technology Limited

Registration Number 06959823

COREF (COnnected REconfigurable Factory)

2021-01-01 to 2023-12-31
BIS-Funded Programmes
**COREF** aims to develop two digitally connected New Product Introduction innovation labs. These labs will utilise innovative technology up to TRL 5 and enable Thales and the partners to innovate in terms of product design and assembly. These facilities will have open access to the supply chain and the public through partner invitation. Whilst complimentary to 'Made Smarter', COREF differentiates itself through its connected multi-business, multi-site aspect. This project aims to enable Thales UK (multi-site) to meet customer demand for customisable, low lead-time products (multi-business (connected supply chain), and stay competitive within the Global Avionics arena.

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