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Public Funding for Pogo Digital Limited

Registration Number 07302992

AI based product mapping (AI-BPM) sub system inside Smart Price Checker (SPC)

2023-08-01 to 2024-01-31
Collaborative R&D
Smart Price Checker (SPC) is a cutting-edge solution for all retail businesses, marketers, and advertisers operating in the online space who are looking to streamline their marketing efforts and optimise their advertising strategy and budget, by using AI-based technology to quickly locate and map competitors' product profiles and pricing to provide users with the most suitable and effective marketing and advertising strategies & content. With this innovative solution, users will no longer need to spend hours manually mapping their own and their competitors' product URLs. The AI-based product mapping feature of SPC saves users time, increases efficiency, and reduces costs; enhancing competition analysis and allowing retailers, marketers and advertisers to make informed, real-time decisions about their online advertising strategy and messaging. SPC can benefit all retail businesses, marketers and advertisers in established businesses and start-ups alike and is an ideal solution to help them stay ahead of the competition and achieve a better ROI from their online advertising budgets.

LogiAI: Enhancing supply chain management with AI-powered demand forecasting and inventory optimisation for logistics

2023-08-01 to 2024-01-31
Collaborative R&D
LogiAI, a progressive inventory management and demand forecasting system, harnesses the power of AI to revolutionise the ecommerce landscape. Developed collaboratively by Pogo Digital Ltd and Digi4u Ltd, LogiAI stands as a trailblazer in predictive analytics, ensuring businesses of all sizes can streamline their operations, minimise waste and maximise profitability. At its core, LogiAI employs a four-step approach. Initially, it collects and pre-processes ecommerce customer and sales data, setting a solid foundation for its analytical operations. Next, LogiAI creates specific features to be used in the training of its AI model, employing advanced machine learning algorithms to ensure sophisticated and accurate prediction capabilities. Finally, committed to a path of relentless improvement, LogiAI learns from its own predictions, adjusting its models and strategies based on feedback and actual outcomes. LogiAI's dynamic AI model has the capability to anticipate future demand and accordingly adjust inventory levels, or trigger alerts when inventory falls below a predetermined level. This feature not only bolsters operational efficiency but also aids in waste reduction, driving enhanced profitability for businesses. A defining aspect of LogiAI is its cost-effectiveness and scalability. Powered by open-source software and existing data sources, LogiAI offers a viable solution for businesses of all sizes, making advanced AI capabilities accessible without a hefty price tag. Its adaptability extends to customisation, catering to the unique requirements of individual ecommerce entities, and continuing to evolve as fresh data emerges. Data quality remains a key focus for LogiAI. Through stringent data cleaning, validation, and profiling processes, it ensures the data informing its AI model is accurate, reliable, and primed for successful outcomes. In essence, LogiAI embodies an innovative, reliable, and economically viable solution for ecommerce businesses seeking to bolster their efficiency and profitability. By offering an AI-driven approach to inventory management and demand forecasting, LogiAI supports businesses in maintaining a competitive edge, keeping them ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital and dynamic commercial environment.

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