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Public Funding for Gelmetix Limited

Registration Number 08146622

A Novel Therapeutic Gel Option for Improvement of Joint Function in OsteoArthritic Patients

2017-09-01 to 2018-03-31
Feasibility Studies
Osteoarthritis [OA] is a significant global healthcare challenge. It is a long-term chronic disease, is characterized by the thinning of synovial fluid and subsequent deterioration of cartilage in joints which results in bones rubbing together and creating stiffness, immobilising pain, and impaired movement. OA most commonly affects seniors and is expected to sharply increase with an aging population. This project seeks to full study the Feasibility of employing a novel therapeutic gel for the improvement of joint function in osteoarthritic patients. It will investigate translating the use of a patented microgel targeted for use in the spine, and assess the idea of leveraging the physical capacities of this 'SXM' gel to create intra-articular cushioning. The gel would be introduced to the joint through a small needle without creating further damage. As the gel cures it becomes heavily viscous and can act as a cushion gently distributing the load over a larger surface thus minimising the risk or the speed of further damages allowing natural motion with reduced pain. Gelexir Healthcare Ltd who have developed the SXM gel will simultaneously develop a full commercialisation Business Plan containing full market details, commercial strategy and estimates the economic benefits to patients and healthcare providers.

"Nucleus Pulposus Augmentation" transforming treatment of chronic lower back pain

2015-08-01 to 2018-03-31
GRD Development of Prototype
Chronic lower back pain (CLBP) will affect half of the EU population at some time in their lives. CLBP affects 2.5m UK patients at any time; direct medical costs per patient are £1,074pa. Time off costs £2,276 p/p pa. Total impact including benefit/insurance is £12bn+. CLBP's most common cause is degeneration in the patient’s intervertebral disc (IVD). A gap exists in the continuum of care for these patients between conservative (physiotherapy, painkillers) and aggressive treatments (surgery; fusion, disc replacement). Gelexir Healthcare Limited aim to address this gap with a novel Double Cross-linked Microgel (DXM) that swells upon injection into the patient’s degenerating IVD to augment its mechanical and biological functions, and critically, relieve pain. The gel will be administered via a simple injection in an outpatient setting with minimal anaesthesia. This project will result in a CE marked medical device. Outcomes could see DXM applied to 20% of patients saving the UK (alone) £2.5bn pa.

Proof of Concept

2013-06-01 to 2014-02-28
GRD Proof of Concept
The purpose of the project is to validate an injectable hydrogel material and the application of the material in treating chronic lower back pain (CLBP). CLBP affects 55m people in the western world and costs society billions of pounds a year. It is difficult to clinically manage and most treatment regimes are either ineffective or require invasive surgical intervention. New treatment and therapeutic approach’s are required. Lower back pain results from the degeneration and loss of shock absorbing tissues within the discs of the spine. This degradation causes chronic pain that if left untreated results in a near total lose in an individuals mobility. Our minimally invasive approach involves replacing these degraded tissues using proprietary injectable Microgels (“DXM”) that are specifically designed to mimic the bio-mechanical properties of a healthy disc. The approach has the potential to reduce the need for invasive surgical intervention, slow the progression of disease and also provide effective pain relief for sufferers. It represent a potentially revolutionary approach to how and when chronic back pain is treated. The program requires the transfer of the technology to an industrial company, Gelexir Healthcare Ltd, and the validation of the process to produce the material at the scale and quality required for medical use. The mechanical performances of the material will be tested in order to demonstrate that it complies with regulatory requirements and pilot data generated to confirm the acceptability of the material for clinical use. The programs will prime the technology for further development, its transfer to the clinical testing and significantly shorten the development timelines.

Business Plan for Gelexir Ltd

2012-10-01 to 2013-02-28
GRD Proof of Market
The purpose of the project is for the development of a Business Plan and Investment memorandum for Gelexir Ltd. This will include market assessment and competitive analysis, business strategy, regulatory approval plan, IP review as well as product development and testing plan. The Plan will be used for raising sufficient funds from institutional and private investors. These funds will be used for the implementation of; the clinical trials program, regulatory approval plan and necessary working capital taking the company to a commercial launch stage. The market is huge as Chronic lower back pain (CLBP) affects 55m people in the Western World and costs society many billions of £. The scientific founders are Professor Anthony Freemont, and Professor Brian Saunders at the University of Manchester.

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