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Public Funding for Reedsy Limited

Registration Number 08841985

Research and development of analytical and visualisation tools to support early stage authors in the creative writing process

2023-08-01 to 2024-01-31
Collaborative R&D
The applicants are providers of the largest book writing/publishing community in the world, attracting 3 million writers each month to the site. Called Reedsy, it provides authors with a complete set of tools and a marketplace to enable any author to self publish their book. At present it's being used to bring 20,000 books to market each year. To date, Reedsy has been developed to support the "mechanics of book writing" i.e. document creation, editing, design and marketing. It provides junior authors with a complete set of writing tools and access to an integrated marketplace of providers (editors, proofreaders, artists, marketing specialists etc...). But now Reedsy wishes to evolve and develop new ways to support author creativity at the very earliest stages of book writing. Reedsy is seeking Creative Catalyst support to utilise a large body of in-house author user data. Our objectives: 1. Develop & experiment with creative writing graphical visualisations and tools. 2. Extract creative writing analytics data from users of the tool to iterate on its functions.

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