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Public Funding for Envisionit Deep Ai Ltd

Registration Number 12518335

RATify - Radiology AI Assurance Testing platform

2023-06-01 to 2023-11-30
Grant for R&D
AI-based healthcare applications (AI) could potentially have a significant impact on modernising health care systems globally, with radiology seen as one of the most promising fields where clinical AI offers a potential solution to the increasing demand for imaging tests and the ongoing workforce crisis (BMC HEalth SErvices Research 2021). However, as AI adoption expands into radiology, there is growing concern that AI algorithms need to undergo quality assurance reviews, similar to imaging systems, to ensure they are safe and effective for patients, performing as intended and producing accurate data. Whilst internal validation is required for regulatory compliance (MHRA) there are currently no standard industry pathways to validate AI medical imaging solutions once deployed. However the regulation landscape for AI med-tech is changing rapidly, particularly in the UK with the NICE ESF digital health technologies 2022 update requiring demonstration of value in the UK health and social care system. Envisionit's new AI validation platform, RATify, is the first to perform both retrospective and prospective AI studies on classification, object detection and segmentation AI models, as specified in the NICE 2022 updates. The vendor agnostic AI Validation platform provides holistic AI assurance for organisations when selecting, deploying and monitoring AI solutions in their environment and a seamless workflow for radiologists for real-time audit and monitoring. The tool will also be relevant to wider stakeholders in the AI adoption life cycle including AI developers, service providers and researchers. The successful commercialisation of RATify will underpin our global scaling ambitions, whilst also boosting confidence and implementation of AI technologies into radiology and solving a global need for clinical governance, specifically relevant for the NHS.

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