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Public Funding for Smart-H Ltd

Registration Number 12526443

The Q-Drive - A Smart City Product - An AI controlled vehicle augmentation platform enabling significant reduction of diesel particulates and carbon emissions emitted by all diesel engine vehicles.

2022-10-01 to 2024-03-31
Collaborative R&D
**AI Solving Dirty Vehicle Emissions** Smart-H, an Exeter based Artificial-Intelligence Company, is leading the way to reduce Emissions on all vehicles, by using AI to continuously and adaptively tune the engine to a near perfect state. **Protecting Life Itself** The development of our new Quantum Drive (Q-Drive) technology will enable perfect engine settings to be achieved at least 5 minutes in advance of any designated 'Safe-Area', for example near a University campus, a school playground, a residential care-home or an area containing protected flora, fauna and woodlands. The innovation includes engine and exhaust strategies for a multitude of modes of operation, for instance the 'Inner City Mode', where the carbon emissions are lowered to almost zero, whilst still maintaining sufficient power levels. **A Global Necessity** Carbon emissions in highly populated areas are a major cause of respiratory illnesses. Asthma for example has been proven to dominate in areas where traffic emissions are very high, making the Smart-H AI solution a global must! **Predictable Models** One of the biggest problems with big vehicle data is that worthless models are often created in an environment where almost nothing is predictable or measurable, for instance taxis would be almost impossible to optimise as the routes they drive are often unknown, solely dependent on random customer-bookings. As a result, our initial technical and business plan is to engage with bus companies, and refuse collection truck operators here in Exeter, where the vehicle routes, topography and drivers are all known quantities, and therefore with enough data the emission reduction model can be created as near perfect as possible providing an immediate impact on air-quality. Once those predictable models are achieved, Smart-H will move onto the more unpredictable. **Accurate Data** One of the key difficulties facing Smart-H was finding a bus company willing to test the Q-Drive; First Group, one of the largest bus operators in the UK came to the rescue and have agreed to work with Smart-H to perfect the Q-Drive AI system using buses on busy inner-city routes. Their involvement will provide actuals that could not be achieved by engine simulations in the laboratory and help to make the project a resounding success. **A joint Initiative** With the full support of Exeter City Council, the University of Exeter and our own AI specialists, Smart-H will endeavour to turn Devon's Jewel-in-the-crown, Exeter, into a Smart, Safe and Carbon-Free City by the end of 2023\.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence to optimise the mitigation of Diesel Carbon Particulate Emissions from buses, HGV's and construction vehicles.

2020-11-01 to 2021-04-30
Collaborative R&D
**Smart-H -- UK Diesel Engine Carbon Particulate Reduction AI System for Urban Environments.** As we emerge from COVID 19 and its devastating effects on both human life and the economy it is imperative that we turn our attention to ways in which we can improve the health of the UK population, through addressing the ever present global issue of air pollution particularly in urban environments. Smart-H, a diverse British Company, is doing just that, by reducing carbon particulate emissions on **ANY** diesel engined vehicle by up to 10%! **Dirty Diesel** Buses, trucks and construction vehicles are our focus and world-wide they have one thing in common; they all have diesel engines running on diesel fuel, emitting copious amounts of exhaust fumes that generally contain carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, hydro-carbon particulates and many other pollutants. These gases and particulates are created as the diesel fuel burns, and then are expelled from the diesel engine as exhaust fumes. **Serious Health Effects** The ultra fine particulates, 10 nanometers in diameter or smaller, are a threat to human health, because the body cannot protect itself against exposure to them. They can enter the heart and lungs through inhalation and have serious health effects, causing respiratory infections, heart disease, strokes and even cancer. It is those particulates that are our target. Our new product "The QuantumDrive AI Controller" works in symmetry with our existing proven Hydrogen technology and together will significantly reduce those ultra-fine particulates, thereby making the UK and the rest of the world a safer place to live and breathe! **Smart-H-Drive** Smart-H's existing technology, the HydroDrive, sits onboard the vehicle, produces Hydrogen and then injects it into the air intake of any diesel bus or HGV engine to reduce emissions significantly. In this new Innovate UK backed project we are developing an integrated AI advanced Smart-H-Drive controller (the QuantumDrive) to modulate between diesel engine efficiency, power and emissions and ultimately further improve emissions reduction in a typical urban drive-cycle. Overall, this R&D project and the subsequent innovative product will help to further clean Britain's air, a necessity in the wake of COVID 19, which has left potentially, millions of people with respiratory difficulties, that are easily aggravated by harmful diesel particulates.

Hydrodrive Energy Cell - Improving Air Quality to Reduce Respiratory Related Symptoms Through Mitigation of Particulate Diesel Emissions

2020-06-01 to 2020-11-30
Feasibility Studies
**HYDRODRIVE - IMPROVING URBAN AIR QUALITY** After 10 years of research and development a cutting edge technology has emerged! The Onboard HydroDrive Energy Cell, built by Smart-H, a British Company, produces Hydrogen-on-demand. The technology is fitted to HGVs, buses and plant machinery, Hydrogen (98% purity) is produced and then fed into the engine air intake. The result is an improvement in combustion and lowering of carcinogenic particulate emissions. **HYDRODRIVE FOR HEALTH** PM2.5 emissions from diesel exhausts on trucks, buses and plant machinery contain high levels of black carbon, which has been found to be 4 to 9 times more deadly than other types of PM2.5\. It is a serious issue to human health worldwide in both respiratory and cancer related diseases. The Smart-H HydroDrive significantly reduces these harmful gases when fitted to any diesel engined HGV, bus or plant machine; in some cases to zero within a relatively short period of time. The product itself is an onboard vehicle En-cell (Energy Cell) that produces pure Hydrogen in small amounts using the power from the diesel engine. Firstly, by connecting the HydroDrive to the power, the En-cell begins to produce pure Hydrogen, which is then naturally drawn into the air intake of the diesel engine. A mixture of this Hydrogen and diesel are combusted causing a more efficient, leaner, greener burn, that makes the emissions far cleaner, giving increased engine power and even improving mpg. Large diesel engined HGV's, buses and plant machines are all expensive to buy and maintain. With that in mind, the HydroDrive is fitted in such a way that it is unobtrusive and non-invasive, taking less than 2 hours to install, meaning the vehicle does not need any engine or bodywork changes and is off-the-road for only a morning. As an environmental company producing a totally green product, Smart-H have given great thought to the build of the En-cell and the method of producing Hydrogen at such a high purity level. The stainless steel single cell inside the unit is made from recycled materials, the heavy duty plastic body also and the Green-Chemistry (the catalyst -- it's a liquid) is non-toxic and contains food grade ingredients. It is truly a 'green machine' from a Smart green company! The technology is totally tax deductible under current UK accounting regulations.

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