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Public Funding for Sciotech Ltd

Registration Number 13630509

Ultra Low Phase Noise Analysis & Measurement

2024-01-01 to 2024-06-30
Collaborative R&D
Precise time and frequency signals are essential for many sectors and industries including CNI. The distribution of time and frequency is an invisible utility that plays an important role in people's daily life. Hence, the capability of disseminating precise and accurate signals with high availability and without degradation of the input signal is vital. The clock distribution amplifier generates multiple outputs from a trusted input radiofrequency signal. The distribution amplifier must exhibit ultra-low noise performance to provide robust output signals with negligible drift and high stability without introducing any additional phase noise in proportion to the input signal The signal distributor is used commonly in all industries where they require precise and stable timing signals such as power grids, finance, broadcasting, space, telecommunication, and emergency services. The input signal is coming from a trusted source such as UTC(NPL) and the output of the distributor enables multiple devices to be synchronised to the input signal. At present, signal distribution solutions provide satisfactory phase noise specifications, but the options for achieving ultra-low phase noise parameters are limited. The distribution amplifiers currently accessible are obtained from mostly the overseas companies, leading to a significant reliance on imports within UK industries. The primary objective is to develop a distribution amplifier with the lowest phase noise, capable of covering a wide bandwidth to reduce costs and simplify system complexity. However, this reliance on imports presents challenges concerning product availability, and the ability to customize products to meet specific requirements. The primary goal of this project is to finalize the design and development of an Ultra-Low Phase Noise Distribution Amplifier capable of distributing signals in the frequency range of 1 MHz to 100 MHz. Two types of this product are envisioned: a compact desktop unit with one input and five outputs, and a 1U rack-mounted unit with three inputs and fifteen outputs. Key project objectives include: * Achieving ultra-low phase noise specifications that is competitive with existing solutions in the market. * Creating two variations of the distribution amplifier to cater to different industry needs. * Establishing ScioTech as one of the best suppliers in the UK to offer such a product, providing a competitive advantage.

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