Coming Soon

Public Funding for Eyeloci Ltd

Registration Number 13642693

Extended Reality Air Combat Exhibitions (XR-ACE)

2023-08-01 to 2023-12-31
Collaborative R&D
Museums provide a crucial avenue for preserving history and cultural heritage. This project aims to develop an interactive Virtual Reality (VR) system, called Extended Reality Air Combat Exhibitions (or XR-ACE) to allow users to explore air combat museums using a variety of innovative methods. Users can explore a digital metaverse and learn more about combat aircraft throughout history, from their inception in the first world war to future sixth generation unmanned and manned combat aircraft. The 3-dimensional objects and environments afforded by state-of-the-art VR technologies will afford rich new storytelling and interactive experiences that boost learning and engagement with the UK's history and culture. Experience a night bombing raid over Berlin, watch an air show demonstration of a Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jet, sit in the cockpit of a Supermarine Spitfire, or activate a jet engine's afterburner right in front of you from the comfort of your home, all in glorious photorealistic detail.

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