Coming Soon

Public Funding for MãœLler Wiseman Dairies Limited

Registration Number SC146494

‘RT-Cow Track’ Real time welfare and performance monitoring of dairy cows

Collaborative R&D
Awaiting Public Summary

Non-targeted genetic and chemical profiling to identify adulterants and contaminants in food

Collaborative R&D
This project will develop non-targeted (broad spectrum) screening methods to identify food safety contaminants and economically motivated adulteration (EMA) using advanced chemical profiling and next generation sequencing. The innovative aspect is the use of cutting edge technology platforms in the identification of unknown fraud and safety threats and emerging risks without prior-hypotheses. This will facilitate a key objective of ensuring the safety of UK consumers and protecting retailers and manufacturers from EMA, thereby building resilience into the UK Food Sector by reducing the risk and damaging impact of undetected and widespread fraudulent activities in global supply chains. The resulting outputs could revolutionise analytical testing throughout the food chain by reducing the need for costly targeted tests whilst generating greater insight into product safety and authenticity with associated economic and social benefits.

Wisely Driven Fuel Partnership

2012-10-01 to 2015-09-30
Collaborative R&D
The Wisely Driven Fuel Partnership (WDFP) Project is a collaboration between Robert Wiseman Diaries, Chive Fuels, Cenex and MIRA to undertake a Low Carbon Truck Demonstration Trial using 40 new OEM warranted dual fuel (DF) 40t articulated trucks substituting diesel with natural gas from 2 upgraded public access Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) stations, one in the West Midlands and one in Scotland. The performance of vehicles and refuelling infrastructure will be evaluated through modelling and model validation using data collected during both real world operation and under controlled test track conditions in order to verify real-world tank-to-wheel and well-to-wheel CO2 savings and air quality emission (NOx, PM) gains from the gas vehicles . The WDFP aim to validate the business case for the new generation of OEM DF trucks and report on the outputs as an aid to performance validation, refuelling infrastructure roll out and gas truck market development.

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