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Public Funding for Scottish Water Limited

Registration Number SC207004

University of Strathclyde and Scottish Water Limited

2016-02-01 to 2018-01-31
Knowledge Transfer Partnership
To create analytical tools to uncover trends in water quality failures within the water treatment system, focusing on progressive risk of bacteriological growth, to predict failures and plan efficient interventions.

University of Glasgow and Scottish Water Limited

2015-05-01 to 2018-05-31
Knowledge Transfer Partnership
To introduce a company-wide knowledge management programme, to combine risk-management imperatives alongside collaborative product and service innovation fit for a multi-sited and mobile organisation.

Industrial Research: Ecologically Integrated Water Reclamation Technology for Regional Deployment

2013-04-01 to 2014-06-30
Feasibility Studies
This project team proposes to carry out industrial research into the application of modular ecologically integrated water reuse technology, which is scalable and deployable across a region. The approach integrates Biomatrix Waters' Integrated Water Treatment System and Restoration Water Park Technology with micro-filtration and disinfection stages. The system to provide a controllable water recycling system. The overall project objective is to provide a sustainable and easy to implement natural water recycling solution to increase replicability and facilitate efficient application of ecological water reclamation system

SAM - System-based analysis and management of urban flood risks

2006-03-01 to 2009-08-31
Collaborative R&D
Awaiting Public Summary

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