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Public Funding for Brightpage Technologies Ltd

Registration Number SC659602

SmartScroll - Resilience Fund

2021-12-01 to 2022-01-31
Collaborative R&D
Text is presented on screen in much the same way it is presented on paper, despite the potential of dynamic, interactive displays. Static paragraphs of text are not optimal for reading and particularly disadvantage the partially sighted. With impaired vision it is easier to keep the eyes still and move the text across the steady gaze. But there is currently no tool to achieve this. SmartScroll is a tool that predicts how the eyes would move whilst reading any given text, and presents the text to the reader with these movements. It removes the burden of making one's own eye movements and is more comfortable and efficient. This project aims to build this technology into a software solution capable of meeting the demands of reading in the real world.

SmartScroll (I-D-11 North by North West ICURe)

2021-03-01 to 2022-08-31
Text is presented on screen in much the same way it is presented on paper, despite the potential of dynamic, interactive displays. Static paragraphs of text are not optimal for reading and particularly disadvantage the partially sighted. With impaired vision it is easier to keep the eyes still and move the text across the steady gaze. But there is currently no tool to achieve this. SmartScroll is a tool that predicts how the eyes would move whilst reading any given text, and presents the text to the reader with these movements. It removes the burden of making one's own eye movements and is more comfortable and efficient. This project aims to build this technology into a software solution capable of meeting the demands of reading in the real world.

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