Coming Soon

Companies Founded on 20th January 1976

Hundreds of Companies are started every day in the UK. When a company is first founded, there will be little to no detailed indicators about it.

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Maceberry Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Fimdon Finance Leasing Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Timik Agricultural Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Premier Oil Exploration Ons Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: London

Chapter of The Order of The Holy Paraclete(The) Unlimited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Edgen Murray Europe Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: London

MC Truck & Bus Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Guterres Consultants Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Wallasey Motor Club Limited (The)

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: North West England

Communications International Group Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Fairdeal Fabrications Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: North West England

Busy Bees (Accommodation Bureau) Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: East of England

Greenmast Property Company Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Hoon Hay Farm Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: East Midlands

Ivy House Residents Association Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: East of England

New Manor Farms (Norfolk) Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: East of England

P.W. Leeman Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: South East England

Red House Estate Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

Woodside Mews Management Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: North West England

Fortfield Properties Limited

Founded 20 January 1976

Region: Northern Ireland

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