Coming Soon

Companies Founded on 31st January 1995

Hundreds of Companies are started every day in the UK. When a company is first founded, there will be little to no detailed indicators about it.

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Skyline Safety Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: West Midlands

Technology Research Consultants LTD.

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North West England

Sound Analysis Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: South West England

Firstvision Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: London

G. O'Brien & Sons (Nationwide Demolition Contractors) Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North East England

Byzantine Overseas Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: South East England

Speed of Light Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: South West England

C.F.Motoring Services Ltd

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North East England

Spex Certiprep LTD.

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: West Midlands

Solution Sense Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North East England

Submarine Products and Manufacturing Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North West England

The Scandinavian Pine Company Ltd

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North West England

Autorescue LTD.

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North East England

Guntrip Associates Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: North West England

Ice-Cream Direct (UK) Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

The London Baking Company Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: London

The Petworth Cottage Trust

Founded 31 January 1995

Region: South East England

The Society of Martial Arts

Founded 31 January 1995

Surma News Group Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

Tavistock Housing Co-Operative Limited

Founded 31 January 1995

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