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UK Spinout Companies

Spinout companies are those that have been created to commercialise research and development from a university or other research organisation.Spinout companies in the United Kingdom have a significant history that intertwines with the nation's educational and research institutions. These companies are typically formed when a university or research institution decides to commercialize its intellectual property, such as research findings, technological innovations, or academic expertise.

Through various programs and initiatives, UKRI encourages collaboration between academia and industry, ensuring that research outputs are effectively translated into commercial opportunities.

Here you can browse a all Spinout companies

Reg. #. SC609101
Company approx. 5 years old
Reg. #. SC430655
Company approx. 11 years old
Reg. #. 12224994
Company approx. 4 years old
Reg. #. 13593877
Company approx. 2 years old
Reg. #. 09706188
Company approx. 8 years old
Reg. #. 12188284
Company approx. 4 years old
Reg. #. 12296980
Company approx. 4 years old
Reg. #. NI618921
Company approx. 10 years old
Reg. #. 12471162
Company approx. 3 years old
Reg. #. 04948632
Company approx. 20 years old
Reg. #. 11732114
Company approx. 5 years old
Reg. #. 11059163
Company approx. 6 years old
Reg. #. 10317962
Company approx. 7 years old
Reg. #. 06861486
Company approx. 14 years old
Reg. #. 10240116
Company approx. 7 years old
Reg. #. 12515463
Company approx. 3 years old
Reg. #. 11636275
Company approx. 5 years old
Reg. #. 06338847
Company approx. 16 years old
Reg. #. 12540591
Company approx. 3 years old
Reg. #. SC579331
Company approx. 6 years old

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